Friday, April 1, 2011

Want $25,000 To Launch A Social Business?

If you are between the ages of 19 and 29 and you want to change the world, read on...
"Project Wildfire is a program to find and support promising young social entrepreneurs in the city of Toronto, helping them to develop and launch social business ideas that make profit while making social change. It is NOT a program to fund community projects or nonprofit organizations.
You can win up to $25,000 in funding and a full year of mentorship for your social business idea – contest opens April 06!
... budding entrepreneurs (19 to 29) can upload a 60-to-90-second video of their social business idea to (the website) - if your video makes it to the finals (based on community and jury voting), you’ll work with the amazing Project Wildfire mentor team to develop a business plan based on your idea. After submitting your business plan and delivering a 5-minute pitch to the jury, you could be one of 5 winners to receive up to $25,000 in funding and a full year of hands-on mentorship and other support to get your social business launched and thriving!"

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