Saturday, April 2, 2011

Move Or Lose That Rusty Bike...

I meant to post this a bit earlier, but I gotta say, April snuck up on me. It's a happy surprise, though, that's for sure. Anyway, this in from the City of Toronto...
"Abandoned Bikes to be Tagged for Removal in early April
Cyclists should be aware that the period of annual Spring tagging of bicycles locked to post-and-rings or other street furniture and left to rust over the winter, will begin in early April.
Rusty and damaged bicycles will be tagged, giving the owners 7 days to remove them; after that, Solid Waste will remove the bikes and locks permanently in order to clear the public right-of-way and maintain availability of short-term bicycle parking.
If you wish to keep a bike that has been left outside long enough to rust, now is the time to remove it from the public right-of-way."

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