Thursday, March 31, 2011

Biking Info

Several biking tidbits in one post for this rainy a.m. It has been so pleasant to get back on my bike these days!
The picture above is shamelessly stolen from an update from the Toronto Cyclists Union. Here is the info about it:
"Prospect Park West Separated Bicycle lane in New York City: After implementation, compared to prior conditions without the bicycle lane, weekday cycling has tripled, sidewalk cycling fell from 46% to just 3%, motor vehicle speeding decreased by 55% and crashes causing injuries are down 63% for all road users."
If they can do it there, we can do it here. And why do we always follow and not lead?

The second tidbit is from the city of Toronto and will interest you if you have your bike locked up on the street all winter:
"Abandoned Bikes to be Tagged for Removal in early April
Cyclists should be aware that the period of annual Spring tagging of bicycles locked to post-and-rings or other street furniture and left to rust over the winter, will begin in early April.
Rusty and damaged bicycles will be tagged, giving the owners 7 days to remove them; after that, Solid Waste will remove the bikes and locks permanently in order to clear the public right-of-way and maintain availability of short-term bicycle parking.
If you wish to keep a bike that has been left outside long enough to rust, now is the time to remove it from the public right-of-way."

And I'm late with this last piece of news, but just in case you haven't heard, the Annex Residents' Association is proposing some interesting, bike-friendly changes to our neighbourhood that I fully support.
The one getting the most media attention is "1. Implement a bike lane on Bloor Street in the Annex from Avenue Road to Bathurst Street within one year, in conjunction with accelerated city-wide infrastructure for bicycle lanes, including along Bloor-Danforth."
All I can say is: YES!
You can read the full proposal on the group's website.
Happy cycling,

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