Friday, March 25, 2011

Life Skills Anyone?

This has nothing to do with our neighbourhood, but is a personal passion of mine: I think we need to bring back "home ec." classes full force in our schools, only geared to today's world, of course.
I know and/or see (just check out the local grocery store in September) too many young people freshly departed from their family abodes who lack necessary life skills.
It is easy to understand how it happened: two working parents, a cleaning service, lots of takeout or pre-packaged food because no one has time to cook. Or a stay-at-home parent who does everything without the kids pitching in because they are busy with sports, lessons and play dates
And, let's face it, domestic skills are poo-pooed. There is a lack of appreciation for the knowledge required to cook, or to manage a home efficiently. I think it's best summed up in lines such as, "if you can read a recipe, you can cook." Hm. Having witnessed people cutting raw chicken, then using the same knife to cut raw veggies, I say: "Let me introduce you to Mister Salmonella. He'll be happy to meet you."
So I LOVED this Globe and Mail article about teaching people to cook outside the box. And let's advocate for the school board to bring back Home Ec. classes, which do exist in some schools. But the classes need to be expanded into every school and also in scope. And let's teach our kids some life skills. They'll thank you for it later. Trust me.

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