Thursday, March 24, 2011

Saturday Concert of Music Inspired by Shakespeare

For children who attended Palmerston P.S. during recent years gone by, one of the beloved traditions was appearing in Shakespeare plays directed by area resident Judith Thompson.
For each play, original music was written by parents and performed by the child actors. I was involved with two of the productions and I can tell you that the music still resonates with me and I have some of it on my iPod. It's magnificent.
Some of the musicians involved in those school productions have organized a concert. Here's the scoop:
"Shakespeare in the City: Music from Palmerston PS's Shakespeare Productions!!!!
(King Lear, A Midsummer Night's Dream, MacBeth, The Tempest)
Saturday, March 26 7:30 pm
Composer-saxophonist Daniel Rubinoff joins composer-theorist Benjamin Stein, singers of Metropolitan United Church and guest singers and instrumentalists for a cross-cultural jam session on the lyrics of Shakespeare, with music ranging from Restoration London to 21st-century Toronto.
Singers: Charles Davidson, Kirsten Fielding, Ariel Harwood-Jones, Robert Kinar, Benjamin Stein, Christina Stelmacovich, Richard Whittall, David Winegarden
Instrumentalists: Sara-Anne Churchill, spinet, portative organ; Daniel Rubinoff, saxophone; Benjamin Stein, theorbo, lute
Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St. E (Church and Queen Sts.), (416)363-0331 ext. 51
Admission $20"

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