Saturday, March 26, 2011

Turn Off Your Lights Tonight For Earth Hour

Every year during Earth Hour, which is tonight from 8:30 to 9:30 pm, I'm sitting in the dark at the Bloor Cinema watching the Banff Mountain Film Festival.
So I can safely say that I'm a supporter!
I love the idea of Earth Hour: everyone turns their lights off for an hour. It's easy and it makes people think about their energy use.
Here's what WWF-Canada has to say about it:
"WWF is calling on Canadians to think about how we use and produce energy. To create the best possible future for Canadians and for the planet, let's stop wasting energy, and generate what we need from clean, renewable sources like wind and solar. Canada can be a world leader in clean energy. But the longer we wait, the more it will cost - both in dollars and environmental impact."
So put aside your cynicism, shelve your doubts and just do it.

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