Friday, March 14, 2014

Video Outlines Treatment Options For Failing Kidneys

Many of you know that organ donation is a cause close to my heart. One big reason is that my husband donated his kidney to a friend of ours. (Yes -- he's that special a guy. I got lucky!)
Anyway, John's actions are mentioned in this video created by everybody's favourite doctor and neighbour, Dr. Mike Evans.
Released on World Kidney Day yesterday, the video clearly and succintly outlines various treatment options for people with failing kidneys.
Please share with the people in your life who need this information.

1 comment:

Cindy said...'s good to see Mike's video and the mention of your husband's donation. Heroes both of them. My mom is now on PD dialysis and we've gone through the HD route first. I understand lots of the challenges. No chance for a transplant for this 85 year old frail woman. I've shared this with a few friends. Thanks. Cindy