Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Eye Candy: Mist, Frost and Sun

News is slow. I know that not everyone celebrates Christmas but, let's face it, even if you don't get a visit from Santa, it's hard to avoid the juggernaut that is The Holidays. For instance, if you attempted to cross Bloor Street this past Sunday, Santa and his sleigh might have mowed you down.
So I guess that there might be a lull in news right now as everyone takes a deep breath and a wee break prior to the onslaught.
Given that there are no tasty neighbourhood tidbits to share, I thought that I would post an autumn pic.
I'm not quite ready to say good bye to my favourite time of year. I like the subtlety of this photo; all the season's glory doesn't belong just to gaudy scarlets and golds.


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