Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Eye Candy: Study in Brown and Mist

Well, I certainly can feel autumn's demise in the air. But I'm hanging on, stubbornly, and ignoring all the Christmas cards, carols and glitter in the stores already.
One of the reasons that I like fall so much is that it provides beauty no matter what the weather. Rain is lovely falling through amber and scarlet leaves -- and also makes them positively sparkle afterword. Sun makes everything light up in jewel tones. And scudding clouds, like those we've had lately, create a mood of... well, I don't have a word for it. But it's as though something dramatic is going to happen. Portentous?
Anyway, enjoy, enjoy while it's here and stave off Kris Kringle for now. There's plenty of December for that.
PS this picture is one of a series taken at my sister's farm during Thanksgiving weekend.

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