Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Book City Turns 35

I know that eReaders are the future, that the publishing industry is in the midst of a revolution and that local bookstores are in peril.
But I refuse to believe that they'll disappear completely. Remember everyone ringing the death knell for movie theatres when videos appeared? But it turned out that watching a movie in a crowded theatre while clutching a $10-popcorn is sometimes a more alluring prospect than taking it in while plopped on a couch. It's really the experience of going out on the town to catch a flick that we don't want to give up.
And who wants to give up the experience of hitting a local favourite book store and walking the aisles, pausing to fondle books with attractive covers and to read tantalizing info blurbs? Not me!
So it's in that vein that we should all celebrate Book City's 35th anniversary. It's certainly a local favourite and we should appreciate it.

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