Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summit Insanity

I've remained mum about the Summit on my Blog, but I inadvertently walked into the riot aftermath yesterday. What did I see? Lots of distressed people wondering how they were going to get home because transit in the core was shut down.
And I'm talking about older, not-so-fit people who would have difficulty walking a mile or two to the Bloor subway line, as the Transit official was suggesting.
I am beyond tired of this Summit stupidity and I'll tell you one thing that I will [peacefully] protest in the future: hosting anything like the G8/G20 Summit in T.O. ever again.
And don't even get me started about how that Summit money could be better spent if the world leaders met via teleconference.
This is the phrase that comes to mind when I think about it all: "Let them eat cake."
Showy and grandstanding G8 and G20 Summits as they exist belong in the past. Time to move forward with new ideas for a new age.
Viva la (peaceful) revolution.


Anonymous said...

They could take a taxi

Vanessa said...

That was everyone's idea! And there were none to be had, plus people were walking in the roads = one big snarl.
Also, it would have been very expensive. Very.