Councillor Vaughan's Environment Day is set for this Saturday. Here are the details:
"Join me on July 3rd for Community Environment Day at
Come out and enjoy a live band, light refreshments and learn about some community organizations doing their part to make
You will be able to PURCHASE:
- Backyard Composter ($15)
- Green Bin ($18)
- Kitchen Container ($5)
- Indoor Water Efficiency Kit ($10)
- Rain Barrel ($85)
You will be able to pick up for FREE:
- Green Bin and Kitchen Container (with proof of new residency in the last 90 days or in exchange for a damaged bin)
- Leaf Compost (limit of one cubic metre per household)
You can DROP OFF for recycling or proper disposal:
- Computer Equipment & Peripherals
- Audio/Visual Equipment & Peripherals
- Household Hazardous Waste
- Gas-powered lawn and garden equipment
You can DONATE items (in very good condition) to local schools for reuse:
- Art supplies
- Buttons, keys, and collectors’ coins and stamps
- Clipboards, corks and cork boards
- CDs and cases
- Children’s books
- Costume jewelry including broken/old watches
- and clocks with hands
- Dress-up clothing
- Fabric pieces and yarn
Other items donated for reuse (Please keep separate from others):
Sporting goods
Medical equipment in good condition
Small household items
Textiles in good condition
Non-perishable foods will be donated to a food bank
Construction waste, gasoline, garbage, wood, cassette and video tapes, commercial/industrial hazardous waste and scrap metal.
For more information about community environment days, please visit: toronto.ca/environment_days or contact my office at (416)392-4044 or councillor_vaughan@toronto.ca.
I look forward to seeing you there!"
That gives you this week to get your stuff together. Happy rooting!
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