Monday, August 10, 2009

Join Olivia Chow's Taxpayer Protest

I've been under the weather, so the Blog wasn't updated. It's never a lack of news. There's always plenty of that!
Olivia Chow is organizing an interesting art protest. This is from her latest newsletter:
"Screwed out of our share
Join me for a community art project to show Canada how we feel.We’ve been screwed out of $330 million for new streetcars and all John Baird has to say to Torontonians is “f-off.”
We’ve paid our taxes, but what’s happened to the money? Express yourself: come out August 30, 12-7, at Pedestrian Sunday in Kensington Market, on Augusta Avenue, between Baldwin St. and Wales Ave where citizens make a statement.
Show your criticism by putting screws in a wooden 24’x4’ sculpture in the shape of the word SCREWED and voice your opinions on a canvass adorned by the word SHARE.
I will display our work on Parliament Hill when it resumes on September 14.
Supplies are available but feel free to bring your own, and/or create your artwork and attach it to the SHARE canvas. Click to visit our Facebook event (requires login) or, or call us with more creative ideas at 416-533-2710."

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