Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dupont and Spadina Corner Collective

This interesting tidbit was in coucillor Adam Vaughan's newsletter:
"The Dupont and Spadina Corner Collective is made up of artists and activists who want to create a corner that sustainably and creatively engages pedestrians through open dialogues, community gatherings, public art and gardening.
Its mandate is to fill our grey streets with music, art and laughter in solidarity with each other and fellow community members, as well as beautify the neighbourhood so all members of the community become more accountable for the space where they hang their hats.
At present, the Collective is:
- maintaining its community garden
- working with the Ward 20 cycling committee to make our area more pedestrian & cycling friendly
- organizing a No Honking Day at the corner of Dupont and Spadina for early August
- organizing skill sharing workshops for August.
The Dupont and Spadina Collective has also been working towards establishing its own community music label. The collective just released a compilation CD that demos six bands that play music at the corner. Artists include: Danger! Danger!, Barn Owl, Ten Thousand Creatures, Falling Trees, Graham Cavalier and Michelle Drew.
To purchase a CD, Send $6 ($5 for the cd plus $1 for postage) to: Neil Cavalier, Dead Medium Productions186 Spadina Rd. Toronto, ON M5R 2T8.
For more information on the Dupont and Spadina Collective, visit http://www.duspa.org/"

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