Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 7 Yogathon at Wychwood Barns

Good morning, faithful Blog readers,
During the past few days my home phone died, my cellphone met an unfortunate end and my computer passed away, too. Or it might just be in a coma.
Fortunately, I live with a techie. Still, if Blog updates are sporadic, you can assume something else electrical has blown up at my house.
I did not get stressed about the breakdowns/blow ups. I could claim that it's because I do Yoga to stay centred, but I'd be lying. However, those of you who do indulge in things meditative and flexible may enjoy the Yogathon Festival for Unity this Saturday at Artscape Wychwood Barns.
There are no times listed on the poster and although I appreciate the thought that "only now exists" I also like to know when to arrive at events, so I looked it up: 3 pm to 7 pm.

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