Friday, April 15, 2011

Urbanites: Stand Up For Your Rights!

Canadians love to hate Toronto. Hell, sometimes even I hate Toronto! But I've sensed an "urban backlash" in recent years among voters and politicians and I think that Toronto is feeling the effects of it.
We don't cherish, nurture and groom our big cities in Canada the way that people do in other places. New York comes to mind, for example.
Our urban centres are like the hearts of the country. Without a strong heart, the rest of the body can't thrive.
We need to acknowledge that and a recent collaborative report highlights it.
"Just the core cities of Canada’s metropolitan areas account for over 40% of the population, GDP, income, and voters. While many live in suburbs and aren’t overly concerned with central cities, the suburbs do not exist in a vacuum. While they may be the donut to the central city’s “Timbit” – without a strong, vibrant, successful central city, the suburbs would find themselves severely challenged. Suburbs and central cities share jobs, people and common challenges."
The report, titled Who Cares About 15 Million Urban Voters, is a good read and timely with the federal election looming.

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