Friday, April 22, 2011

Attention Gardeners: Get Your Free Compost

With the warm weather, the gardeners emerge after a cold, dark winter. Well, a lot of people emerge, including gardeners.
Sure sign of Spring? The city is distributing free compost.
Here's the scoop from Councillor Vaughan's office:
"Spring has sprung and we are ready to deliver your annual supply of free compost! The compost is first-come, first-served, and is available until it is all taken. Bring your buckets, barrels and shovels to pick up compost at these locations:
Friday May 6, 3pm

Vermont Square Park
819 Palmerston Ave
Bathurst and Dupont area

Thursday May 12, 12pm
Bellevue Square Park
on Augusta Avenue, north of Dundas Street
Kensington Market area

Friday May 13, 12pm

Jean Sibelius Square
50 Kendal Avenue
Bloor and Bathurst area

Friday May 20, 12pm

Margaret Fairley Parkette
Brunswick Avenue at Ulster
Harbord Village area

Friday May 20, 3pm

Huron Community Garden
College Street at Huron
park behind library

For more information, please contact Councillor Vaughan’s office at 416 392-4044."

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