Friday, March 18, 2011

Bixi Bike Program To Launch May 3

Nothing has popped or sprung yet, but the warmer temperatures and, more importantly, melted ice and snow, prompted me to begin riding my bike to work again.
Big yeah!
So it seems fitting to post about the impending launch of BIXI Toronto, the city's new bike share program.
Here's the scoop:
"BIXI Toronto set to launch on May 3
The City of Toronto and the Public Bike System Company are proud to announce that the official launch of the BIXI Toronto program will take place on May 3 with 1,000 bikes, 80 BIXI stations and 1,500 docking points in Toronto's downtown core. City Council approved the BIXI Toronto program last May.
The Public Bike System Company (PBSC) is the organization behind the concept, development and operation of award-winning BIXI - which operates bike sharing systems on three continents and is the first large-scale bike sharing system in North America.
Designed to complement public transit, the BIXI bikes are intended to be used for one-way trips of less than 30 minutes. BIXI bikes can be picked up or dropped off at any of the 80 downtown bicycle docking stations 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Regular users of the system will purchase a pass for periods of time ranging from one month to one year and will receive a BIXI key. Members can use their BIXI key to take out a bike at any station in the network. Non-members can purchase a 24-hour pass. There is no trip fee if the bicycle is returned to a bike station within 30 minutes. A fee is charged for any trip longer than 30 minutes."

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