Sunday, December 14, 2014

West End vs. East End

You know that it's a slow news day when people are trumping up stories about "east Toronto" vs. "west Toronto."
I grew up in The Beaches and now live in the west end, so I lay claim to both sides of the city.
Whatever the root of this east-vs-west "battle," it made for some funny lines in a Toronto Star article defending "west as best."
And I quote: 

"Now, you may quip we’re shallow in the west and worry about things like whether it’s “too” ironic to wear a vest and sport a hipster beard at the same time. Maybe we’ll grow out of that, and when we do, it’s good to know there’s a sedate community just an eastbound streetcar ride away, undisturbed by such urban notions as vibrancy and staying out past 10."
Happy reading!

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