Thursday, March 21, 2013

Old Toronto: Av and Dav

There are a few tip offs to this being a vintage pic, but this 1959 photo of the west side of Avenue Road, south of Davenport, shows a streetscape similar to today's.
BTW, for some reason I'm gobsmacked to realize that 1959 was 54 years ago. More than half a century... but I digress.
The typography of the store signs screams, "retro." Or, in this case, modern for the day. And look at the squidgy size of the Loblaws; more the size of today's corner store.
(This all got me thinking about shopping and how we used to get things like eggs and milk delivered. My house still has the (now sealed-up) small back door where deliverymen would leave their wares.)

It's interesting to contrast this pic with this one from 1931.

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