Monday, July 23, 2012

Bracondale Estate

Interesting... Part of what we call Seaton Village was built and marketed as Bracondale Estate. I wondered why Bracondale? And since we live in the world of instant info, I soon found out it was named after "the Turners of Bracondale."

1 comment:

Fyler said...

Bracondale is/was north of Seaton Village. Frank Turner (eldest son of John Turner who built the 1847 house called "Bracondale Hill", owned a large section of Seaton Village (which ends at Dupont).
Bracondale is/was north of Davenport Road. The Turners (father & then son) owned a large chunk of land & their home sat in what is now Hillcrest Park (the remainder of their land was subdivided, sold & developed but luckily the city bought the 4-acre piece the Turners kept until 1937).