Saturday, March 24, 2012

Take Your Kids For An Art Spin

You can register your Kids For A Spin at the April 28th Art Garage at Palmerston Library. Sounds like fun.
Of course, that is if the libraries open and not closed due to strikes.
But at least you can probably walk there and not have to rely on TTC, or biking.
And for anyone's who's surprised that the city is falling apart under the bullying "leadership" of Rob Ford, all I can say is "Really?"
I've had a little pit of dread in my stomach that hasn't gone away since he was elected.
In fact, even though I've lived in Toronto all of my life, lately I've been thinking that there is a move in my future. Not soon, because of my current family situation, but one day.
I'd really like to live in a city that works well again.

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