Friday, October 14, 2011

Market Gallery Exhibition

I have a soft spot for St. Lawrence Market and The Market Gallery. I wish there were more places like them throughout the city and I'm grateful they haven't been torn down, like so many of Toronto's beautiful buildings.
But I digress... there's a new display opening at The Market Gallery soon. As always, admission is free. Here are the details:
"Savour Toronto's and St. Lawrence Market's food history at The Market Gallery
For over 200 years, St. Lawrence Market has been an inspiring food and shopping destination. The Market Gallery exhibition, "Meet Me at the Market", on display from October 22, through to February 25, 2012, reveals the history of this iconic Toronto market through photographs, documents, maps and artefacts.
Visitors will be able to compare and discover what was for sale and where it came from. They will find out that in the 19th century the public could buy bear meat, wild swan and deer with the antlers still attached and that the first market on Front Street was a fish market selling salmon caught with spears by candle light.
The exhibit will review how food production has changed in the city by touching on market gardening, Victory Gardens during two world wars, and local community garden projects. Recent efforts by government and community groups to re-connect neighbourhoods to affordable and sustainable food sources has reflected the public's heightened awareness of how they interact with, and are affected by, their food.
The historic evolution of the food system from the perspectives of growing, production, distribution and consumption, as well as the role of consumer choices and influences will also be explored. From buying local or imported delicacies to growing food at home, Toronto has had many food choices due to its fertile land and its location as a transportation centre. This exhibition will show how St. Lawrence Market has kept urban consumers connected to local producers while food production has become a global operation.
Gallery hours are Tuesday to Friday (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.), Saturday (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.). Closed Sunday, Monday and holidays."

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