Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Learning Opportunity for Latin-American Children

Good morning! Though I thought it was still the middle of the night when I awoke this a.m. So dark!
But I digress... this landed in my inbox and will be of interest to people with Spanish-speaking elementary-age children. The school is in the Jane/St. Clair area.

"Peace School for Latin American Children opens its doors for its 6th year.

Escuela Pioneros de la Paz (Pioneers for Peace School) is pleased to announce the start of its program on October1st, 2011 at George Syme Community School, 69 Pritchard Avenue, at 10:00 a.m. EPP is a multi-disciplinary program aimed at promoting peace, social justice, and non-violent conflict resolution through the arts.

The Saturday morning school offers students, ages 3.5 to 12, and an enriched educational experience in Spanish. For Ana Csillag- a teacher at the school since its founding “Teaching at Escuela Pioneros de la Paz has been a pleasure and a privilege; EPP provides a safe and familiar environment where children are encouraged to value their heritage, and also to respect, practice and promote social values. The historical context, the arts, and current issues affecting society, and the use of the Spanish language are some of the elements and tools to achieve these goals.”

Through the arts, students explore Latin American history and culture from a peace and social justice perspective. Students have a unique opportunity to interact with visual artists, dancers, musicians, and actors from the Latin American community.


“The program gives students a rare opportunity to confront issues of oppression and injustice while developing a sense of pride in their heritage,” says Daniel Schugurensky, former professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (University of Toronto).

The program will run over three trimesters – from September 2011 until June 2012. For more information, please contact"

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