Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rally For Toronto On Monday

If you're upset about what's happening politically in our city, here's a chance to speak up:

"Save City Services. Defend Good Jobs. Rally for Toronto

Community Day of Action

Save City Services. Defend Good Jobs. Rally for Toronto Community Day of Action

Date: Monday, September 26 Time: 5:30pm Location: City Hall

Residents from across the city are rallying for Toronto. Our message to City Hall is: build Toronto, don’t destroy it. Together, we can stop cuts, closures, privatization and user fees that will have an impact on every neighbourhood in Toronto. What’s at Stake?

• Services and programs that serve every resident and community, such as libraries, child

• care and recreation centres

• Good jobs that strengthen our communities

• TTC connecting all our neighbourhoods

• Environmental leadership for the future of our city

• Keeping public control of public services

• Safeguarding vital public assets such as housing and Hydro Toronto Why September 26?

On September 26, City Council will meet to discuss the Core Services Review and the 2012 budget.

Hundreds of Torontonians will gather in Council Chambers that day as major decisions are made at City Hall. These decisions will affect our entire city and its future. Isn’t the city broke? How can we afford to keep everything? Toronto is the only municipality in the GTA that froze property taxes in 2011. Other municipalities also get funding from provincial and federal governments to offset costs of their services.

Our Mayor has said that he will not lobby the other levels of government for new funding. Meanwhile, an exaggerated deficit financial figure - $774 million - is being used to justify drastic cost-cutting and privatization. The real agenda is to shrink city services. Many of these services are revenue generators and the financial benefits have not been properly considered in the city’s budget.

I’m coming to the rally. What else can I do to support? You can call or email the Mayor and ask them to support public services and good jobs in Toronto. Call 311, 416 397-3673 or email . Encourage your friends and neighbours in Toronto to also contact their Councillor and the Mayor. Email: to connect with local initiatives.

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