Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Park Plans

I'm impressed by our local councillor, Adam Vaughan, and would love to see him take the reins as mayor of Toronto one day.
Fingers crossed.
In the meantime, he has put a lot of effort -- along with many, many volunteers -- into improving our ward's parks. So let's take a moment to say thank you to him and to all the people who spend hours selflessly toiling behind computers, or at dull or tense meetings, or literally in the trenches to make life better for all of us. Thank you!
Some of the fruits of their labours are becoming evident. Construction has been underway at Sibelius Square for a few months now. And this tidbit is from Councillor Vaughan's latest newsletter:
"Vermont Square Park
Plans are complete and work will begin later this summer on Vermont Square Park.
Playground enhancements, an art bench, and improved paths are part of phase one, for this year. Next summer, upgrades to other areas of the park will include an enhanced tree canopy, irrigation of the central field area, additional seating, and a ‘porch’ along the south wall of Bill Bolton arena.
The wading pool in the playground area will be opened on June 30 and will be fully staffed until construction begins in the late summer. The wading pool will be open through the August long weekend.
The playground committee spearheaded a proposal to name the playground within the park the “Dennis Lee Playground” in honour of the poet laureate, children’s writer, author, and long time local resident Dennis Lee. After receiving consent from Mr. Lee, support from the neighbourhood, and approval from the Residents’ Association, Toronto and East York Community Council unanimously approved the name!
To connect with The Seaton Village Residents’ Association, visit their website at: http://seatonvillage.ca.”

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