Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Annex Gleaner Wants To Know Your Holiday Wishes

Since today is the Santa Clause Parade, I'm sharing this email that rolled into my inbox from one of our local newspapers because it has to do with the Holidays. Seems appropriate.
"Every holiday edition, the Gleaner features community and holiday-themed artwork on our cover. We are also continuing a new tradition that we started last year, where we are soliciting holiday wishes from the community, for the community.
-We are seeking an infinite number of wishes. They can be whimsical or practical. They can be personal, political, or community related. Past wishes have included everything from “I wish there was a hot dog stand in the Annex,” to resurrecting a beloved tree that was cut down, to starting a community gardening club.
-While we want world peace just as much as everyone else, please try and keep your wishes local.
-Wishes must be between one and 250 words. Visual interpretations of wishes are also welcome.
Please submit your wishlist to by Nov. 25 at the stroke of midnight; include your name, and either your professional title or the street that you live on. We reserve the right to edit wishes for space, spelling and grammar.
We really hope you all can take part! Tell your neighbours and friends!
Gleaner Community Press"

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