Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Adam Vaughan's Park Blitz This Saturday

This in from our Ward 20 councillor, Adam Vaughan:
Join in the Adam Vaughan Parks Blitz on Saturday October 2nd!
Ward 20 is going through a parks renaissance. From The waterfront to the Annex, virtually every green space is being rebuilt or redesigned with local residents -- those who know their parks best – leading the way.
But there is more work to be done.
With the help of local residents, Adam Vaughan is working to develop a new model that would give residents control over the programming, maintenance and funding of their local parks.
We need your help to help spread the word about what is being achieved when local residents are given the opportunity to lead the way in bringing improvements to their neighbourhood’s green spaces.
We are looking for park fans — including families, involved community members and park users of all ages — to help distribute information and knock on the doors of houses within an eight-block radius of their local park. We’ll provide information kits — and as much juice, coffee and cookies as you need to help fuel your efforts!
Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm
(please feel free to donate as little or as much time as you can)
Location: Pick up information kits at Adam Vaughan’s Campaign office (87 Harbord Street, just west of Spadina).
Enjoy juice, coffee and cookies before heading out to the neighbourhood surrounding your favourite park to help drop off information and spread the word.
Let us know if you are coming out and the name of your local park! Email: info@adamvaughan.ca or call the campaign office at 416 413 1603.
Our community green spaces are vital to the quality of life of our communities. Let’s let others know how they can get involved and what can be accomplished when residents are not simply watching the change happen, but leading the change in their communities."
Great idea!

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