Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Part of Essex School in Seaton Village Being Sold

Essex School sits at the western edge of our community, on Essex Street just west of Christie. A lot of Palmerston PS grads go there for grades 7 and 8.
The school is underutilized and I have been privy to some exciting plans that people had for the school, all of which ended up falling through.
Shame that the easy route of selling it off seems to be the building's fate.
Here's a missive from our local school trustee, Chris Bolton:
"To the Essex Community and Ward 10,
Enclosed you will find the agenda for the Facilities Meeting this Wednesday [at the Toronto District School Board offices] with a specific item regarding the sale of the Essex West building to the French Catholic School Board...
There has been extensive discussion in the community about the fate of the west building. This has been occurring over the last few years. We all want the west building to be put to good use and we have tried repeatedly to interest groups in taking an interest in it. However, despite our best efforts the Ministry of Education has indicated that this is a good site for the French Catholic school in the area to call their new home - their present school has been classified unusable. This is very disappointing to find that we have come to this juncture.
I will say that the staff of the TDSB, who we have not always seen eye-to-eye with have been accommodating in supporting the unsettling nature of the change. They have also made recommendations that are listed in the attached report to ameliorate the situation. Community members have also expressed concerns and have been actively involved in the process.
To be clear on my position, although I understand the constraints of the other school board and pressure exerted on the TDSB by the Ministry, I feel that we have opportunities to be creative with this property and will be voting against the sale at the board meeting. I will also speak about my concerns and apprehension at the meeting this week and at board later in the month.
Chris Bolton
Trustee - Trinity Spadina
Where You Belong"


1 comment:

Mary deB said...

Thanks for posting this, Vanessa! I hadn't heard about this action. I came to your blog looking for info about the play at the library tomorrow, and must remember to check in more often!