Monday, March 1, 2010

Do You Have Ideas Or Concerns About Housing For Families In Downtown T.O.??

This is from our area city councillor, Adam Vaughan. I, personally, do have a lot of opinions about family housing in Toronto and intend to offer my two cents' worth.
Thought you might, too. Here's the email:
"Dear residents,
Re: Creating better housing for families in Toronto
Over the past three years in office I have been working with the development community, Ward 20 residents and City Planning staff to ensure that new development incorporates a variety of housing types, specifically to create housing that can sustain families in the downtown.
Informally, every development proposed in Ward 20 over the past three-years has been asked to provide a minimum of 10% of the total unit count as family-sized units.
This has generated more
than 500 units over a two-year period compared to the 73 units approved in the same area during the previous term of Council.
In 2009, I received support from City Council to work with staff on an Official Plan Amendment that would make this practice a requirement for all developments in the downtown (Ward 20, 28 and 27).
In November 2009, the City’s Planning and Growth Management Committee considered staff recommendations for the Official Plan Amendment to Encourage the Development of Units for Households with Children. The report is available online at:
The development industry asked the Committee to defer a decision on the Official Plan Amendment to allow for further consultation and changes.
As part of this consultation process, my office, City staff and the development industry are hosting focus groups with residents who are interested in family housing in the downtown. The discussion will be about what kinds of changes may be needed to make condominium units work better as a viable option for families.
I am writing to invite you to participate in one of these sessions that will be held on:

Date: Wednesday March 3, 2010
Times: 12 - 2 or 7 - 9 pm
Location: 11 Mariner Terrace (Spadina & Bremner)

For more information, you can contact Ange Kinnear in my office at 416-392-4044 or by email at
If you can not attend the sessions, but would like to contribute your perspective to the discussion, you can submit your ideas in writing to my office.
Your input on this matter is greatly appreciated.
Adam Vaughan

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