Saturday, November 14, 2009

Junk Raiders TV Show Is Looking For A Season Two Project

This isn't Annex-related, but I love the freecycling aspect of it.
DH works for the company that makes the television show Junk Raiders. Don't know it? It's about freecycling, but on a large scale.
For Season Two, the show wants “to build an entire freestanding structure out of recycled materials all found on the streets of Toronto – all in only one month” and they are looking for proposals.
It should be a "green based community infrastructure project."
"....We're on the hunt for communities [that] have identified a need for some kind of structure, but haven't yet begun the actual building of it.
The sky's the limit right now in terms of what kind of project we're looking at. Maybe it's a change room for an outdoor skating rink. Or maybe it's a a multifaceted garden shed/bread oven. Or perhaps a small clubhouse of some sort. The only conditions are that it would have walls and a roof."
To offer your proposal for consideration, "send an email to with “Junk Raiders Project” in the subject line. Let us know what the idea is, where it would ideally be built (with photos if possible), and who you are.
And don't worry too much about length, brief is better."
If you have an idea in mind, better get hopping: the deadline is November 30th. And please feel free to spread the word far and wide.

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